"Kaninn" er fjögurra þátta heimildaþáttaröð sem sýnd var á Stöð 2 Sport. Þættirnir fjalla um bandaríska körfuboltamenn sem hafa leikið með íslenskum liðum og áhrif þeirra á íslenskan körfubolta.

Hér eru helstu aðilar í kreditlista þáttaraðarinnar:

  • Framleiðandi: Hrafn Jónsson, Jóhann Alfreð Kristinnsson

  • Kvikmyndatökumaður: Ívar Kristján Ívarsson

  • Klippari: Úlfur Teitur Traustason, Hermann Hermann Hermannsson

  • Tónlist: Helgi Sæmundur Guðmundsson

  • Framleiðslufyrirtæki: Litla Osló


We follow Kristján Gíslasýni in this third series around the world on a motorcycle. What was once thought of as a relaxing trip down the Balkans quickly picks up speed when they take to course to Africa.
From a civil war to breathtaking nature. wonderous tribal societies and some of the dangerous animals alive.
This journey is one of the spectacular that Kristján has undergone.


The audience is invited on a jorney In HEIMA where we visit interesting hosts which they try to explain they’re explenation of what “home” means to them. Is it just a roof over your head or is it much more complicated than that?


In these series we explore six friendship bonds. Each one is unique with ages ranging from kindergarten to senior citizens. Has the idea of friendship evolved through the ages and are we awere enough of it value.


A documentary about dyslexia. Sylvía Erla Melsted diagnosed late with dyslexia because she created her own habits and antics to fill the void. Here she tells her story alongside meeting up with the leading experts in the field and helps us with her unique view on the world.